Working from home definitely has some advantages but life can be tricky when everyone is at home!  Designing a home office that suits your needs now as well as the future is key.

A successful home office requires creating a space that will promote efficient motivation as well as turning your space into an asset. A key to productivity is minimal distractions from daily life. Whilst this may be true for yourself this may not be the case for young children who need supervision.  To ensure you design a space that is right we’ve put together some tips to create a workspace that will grow with your family.

Identify your needs

Your needs will depend on the type of work you do and whether you will continue to use this space in the future. Ask yourself if you will work from home in the future and what that may look like. Most workplaces will require a space for your computer, monitor, keyboard, possibly a printer and very possibly a filing cabinet or set of desk drawers to hold client files. An ergonomic chair would also be advisable for long periods of sitting.

In the case of home schooling a computer may be required but maybe a filing cabinet is not a necessity.  Extra desk space would be needed for writing for younger students.  Think also of the existing style within your home to maintain consistency.

Make sure to create a list of all your needs to identify the right space within your home.

Location, Location, Location

Now that you know the type of space you need, take a good look at your home and identify the area for a home office.  Think carefully if you need a dedicated home office space which will mean taking up an extra room.  An alternative may be to convert an unused space say in your kitchen or on a landing.

Whilst you may need a quiet area for privacy, your children may need to be near you for supervision. In this case a multi-use home office with multi working stations might be the perfect  solution. Maybe there is a spot in the home where a simple study nook can be created which could also work.  Find the location that will work for you now and for your growing family.

Home office ideas


Consider Lighting

An effective home office should have an abundance of light so your eyes are not strained. Natural light is the best and will also improve your motivation especially if you can position your desk near a window. If you don’t have the luxury of natural light consider adding extra lights to your desk space to reduce eyestrain.

Add your special touches

To feel inspired while working consider adding a plant or two to your area. Research shows that plants in office space can increase productivity, make workspaces more attractive and help to clean the air. All important aspects for motivation.

Consider also any items that make you smile. From adding that special family framed photo or a item from a past trip can add to your mood and motivation.

If you need help designing your home office or any area of your home get in touch by calling 1300 100 555 or book a design below.